Sunday 11 September 2011

Filming time!

We have been filming our proper footage for the Paramore video! We started out by creating the mise-en- Scene! This involved many posters, choosing ideal locations, and finding some pompoms!! After many repeats of the video trying to create posters identical to the video, we had enough to make it look realistic.

The first problem we found was that the location that we decided on had a lot of disturbances as there were sports activities near where we were filming and other students kept needing to get past and walk across the set! However we had to take advantage of the time we did have and we managed to get it done. We also had a slight problem that there were 'too many cooks'! We had too many people 'Directing' the music video, and lots of opinions meant lots of discussions meaning it took valuable time up.

However after reviewing the footage, we didn't like many factors, so we decided to relocate. The second shoot worked much better and we got the footage we needed. This is a snippet of our recreation!


Our Recreation

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